JAKARTA - Books have always been good friends for many people. However, with technological advances, now we can read books more easily using book reader applications on mobile devices or tablets.

Moreover, there are several advantages and benefits of reading books with book reader applications compared to traditional books, including:

Easy access: With a book reader app, we can access thousands of titles and read them anywhere and anytime with just a few clicks. We don't have to go to a bookstore or library to find the books we want.

Save Space: By reading books through the application, we no longer need to store physical books on book shelves or take them everywhere. We can save space and bring a collection of books in just one device.

Search Functions: Book reader apps usually have search features that allow us to search for certain keywords or phrases throughout the book. This feature is very useful for looking for the specific information we need in a short time.

Bookmark function: With the application of book readers, we can mark the page of the book we read last time or the page we want to read again at another time. This feature is very useful if we read several books at the same time.

Economy: Book reader apps are often more economical than buying physical books. Many applications offer books at cheaper prices and even offer some free books.

Environmental Friendly: By reading books through an application, we no longer need to use paper to print books or throw paper trash after reading. This can help preserve the environment.

With the various advantages and benefits offered, it is not surprising that the application of book readers is increasingly popular in today's world.

Here are the 5 favorite book reader apps in the world:

1. Kindle

Kindle is one of the most popular book reader apps in the world developed by Amazon. The app offers access to millions of digital books and magazines, and allows users to read their books on various devices, including Kindle, iPad, iPhone, and Android.

2. Google Play Books

Google Play Books offers a wide collection of digital books and cross-platform compatibility. Users can read their books on various devices, including Android, iOS, and the web.

3. Apple Books

Apple Books ( formerly known as iBooks) is a book reader application developed by Apple for iOS and macOS devices. The app offers access to millions of digital, audiobook, and magazines.


Wattpad is a book reader application and creative platform where users can write, read and publish their own stories. The app offers a variety of book genres, including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.


Goodreads is an app that allows users to find new books and connect with readers' communities around the world. This app offers features such as book recommendations based on user preferences and book reviews by community members.

Those are 5 favorite book readers in the world that can be the best friends in accompanying days. With this application, reading a book becomes easier and more fun.

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