Pi Network, a cryptocurrency project that aims to bring blockchain technology into everyday life so that it can be accessed by everyone. While the original coin, Pi Coin is designed to be one of the easiest-to-use cryptocurrencies, by allowing anyone to mine it through the app on mobile phones.

Pi Network has a growing community of up to tens of millions of people from various countries. They are actively mining cryptocurrencies Pi to build a Web3 application ecosystem, announcing a series of new achievements, including increasing the number of core team members working full time, developing multiple applications, and updating to their native self-identification algorithm (KYC).

Despite the overall contraction of the crypto market, the Pi Network core team continues to grow, signaling rapid development of the Pi Network ecosystem and its long-term vision. Since February 2022, the number of members of the full-time core team has increased by nearly 33 percent in key areas such as products, engineering, and communities.

The core Pi Network team now consists of about 40 members and continues to grow along with the development of the network and its evolution. The expansion of the number of members of this core team will allow for more decentralized efforts from the community of more than 35 million members involved and jointly building this network.

According to Chengdiao Fan, founder and Head of Products on Pi Network, "Pi Network efforts are empowering members in it, in line with Pi Network's vision of an ecosystem built on blockchain technology that supports new Web3 social networks based on its large community."

"That way it is hoped that the Pi Network community will be able to create and use utilities through the developer platform and the Pi application. Building an ambitious vision requires an all-hands approach from Pioneer, community developers, external partners, and the core team together," he added.

In addition to increasing the number of team members, Pi Network has also made a number of updates and developments on its products and ecosystems. Pi has updated their KYC algorithm and has successfully verified more than 3.8 million Pioneers to date.

Pi juga telah berupaya membangun fitur Platform Pengembang dan memperluas kombinasi komunitas untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekosistem Pi. PiOS, Pi's Open Source Software License, adalah salah satu fitur yang telah diluncurkan dan memungkinkan pengembang komunitas Pi untuk membuat aplikasi dan alat open source dan secara eksklusif digunakan di dalam ekosistem Pi.

Pi juga menekankan pada pengembangan aplikasi melalui aplikasi yang dikembangkan oleh tim inti, mitra bisnis eksternal, dan Pi Hackathon terbaru yang diikuti oleh lebih dari 6.400 peserta. Semua usaha ini bertujuan untuk mencari talent, konsep, dan utilitas yang lebih baik untuk komunitas.

As reported by Business Standard, with the day 'Pi Day' celebrated on March 14 as Pi's fourth anniversary, Pi Network has several interesting programs that will be introduced to Pioneer and developers for its decentralization efforts in building the Pi ecosystem.

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