JAKARTA - Every day, Indonesians turn to YouTube to learn new things, pursue hobbies and interests, or find communities that are compatible with them, both at home and abroad. Meanwhile, YouTube also reflects the diversity of the archipelago.

Based on the YouTube Impact Report 2022 report, YouTube's creative ecosystem contributes IDR 7.5 trillion to Indonesia's GDP and supports more than 200.000 full-time equivalent jobs (FTE) in various fields of the economy in 2021.

Therefore, together with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) of the Republic of Indonesia, StarHits, YouTube presents #NgeShortsBareng, an initiative that enables Indonesian creators to learn, connect, and be creative through short video formats. First held in 2022, this initiative has been implemented in 5 cities and was attended by more than 2 thousand Indonesian creators.

"Seeing the high enthusiasm and interest of creators for the #NgeShortsBareng workshop, this initiative is being held again this year and will be present in 10 cities," said Danny Ardianto, Head of Government Affairs and Public Policy at YouTube in a statement.

Danny also hopes that with this workshop, the YouTube creator community can continue to learn, connect, create, and most importantly continue to collaborate in order to deliver quality multi-format content," he continued.

“#NgeShortsBareng is a wise step to support creative industry players, especially local content creators. Where are we, StarHits, through our media network MNC Group is the right place to help creative people to be better known nationally," added Lina Priscilla, Managing Director of StarHits.

According to the Indonesian Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno, the existence of this interesting #NgeShortsBareng program has proven to increase the turnover of MSMEs.

The list of 10 cities that will attend the #NgeShortsBareng are from Medan, Balikpapan, Sorong, Denpasar, Yogyakarta, Pekanbaru, Makassar, Malang, Manado & Mataram.

"The hope is that this program can also encourage the movement of domestic tourists to 1.4 billion and we also hope that the sales movement of our creative economy products will penetrate to 1.300 trillion rupiah," he concluded.

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