YOGYAKARTA - It is popular and the development of the crypto asset industry in Indonesia has contributed to the creation of some companies looking for opportunities. One of them is by issuing crypto assets. In Indonesia, at this time there are some crypto assets originating from within the country. Then, what is TKO?

One of them is the token kiosk (TKO) issued by Tokocrypto, one of the exchanges that has been legally recognized by CoFTRA. TKO was launched at the end of March and became the first local Indonesian crypto project to provide a unique hybrid token model, namely the utilities of CeFi and DeFi.

In CEFi utilities, TKO can be applied in savings programs such as TKO Deposit, TKO Rebate, TKO Savings and TKO Cashback. While on the DeFi platform, TKO can also be used in farming pools and lending.

In developing its newest utility, this week Tokocrypto has provided staking and saving services for TKO on the Binance network. Through staking and saving, investors who lock their TKO will get interest according to the duration of their storage.

Launching from Coinmarketcap.com, TKO is currently ranked 245 with a maximum market capitalization of US$ 233 million. In terms of price, TKO touched all time high at US$ 4.8 per TKO on May 3. Meanwhile, at this time, the price is at US$ 2.01 per TKO.

Tokocrypto's Head of Public Relations Rieka Handayani said that currently, his party will continue to maximize TKO's utility properly with a complete side of the existing regulations in Indonesia. In the long span, he wants TKO to become an Indonesia's People Token as this token can be the most suitable vehicle to make unlimited potential that can be achieved through blockchain technology.

For now, the plans that are currently running at TKO are Binance Saving & Binance Staking, ForTube, and Bakeryswap. We will also reactivate the cryptoversion, we are also preparing an NFT archive/marketplace, namely TKONFT," said Rieka.

Regarding the TKO saving program in Binance, TKO holders can participate in this program by placing a number of TKO tokens and getting an average percentage yield (APY) of 4.27% days. Meanwhile, for the TKO staking program in Binance, the amount offered is based on the duration chosen, namely 15 days (36.49%), 30 days (11.79%), 60 days (14.47%), and 90 days (21.79%).

- https://voi.id/teknologi/237474/binance-akuisisi-tokocrypto-platform-pertukaran-kripto-terkemuka-indonesia

- https://voi.id/teknologi/245430/shib-army-sambut-peluncuran-shibarium-token-shiba-inu-naik

- https://voi.id/teknologi/249478/pesaing-shiba-inu-dan-dogecoin-floki-meroket-lebih-dari-100-persen-dalam-satu-pekan-terakhir

- https://voi.id/teknologi/245430/shib-army-sambut-peluncuran-shibarium-token-shiba-inu-naik

Despite experiencing improvements after touching the highest level, Rieka admitted that she was not worried because the fix was a natural thing to happen in the crypto market. He believes that TKO's future prospects will still be positive along with support from social groups. Especially, TKO is born from the community and for the community.

In order to improve its community, Rieka said Tokocrypto also continues to present daily campaigns that Tokocrypto users can participate in. Later, users are required to carry out daily missions and will receive a reward in the form of a TKO token every day.

So after knowing what TKO is, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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