JAKARTA - Earlier this year, Twitter launched a new feature that gives its users the freedom to choose their timeline display preferences, by adding the For You and Following tabs.

When it launches, you'll see the For You timeline showing tweets tailored for you as the default view. However, if you want to change the timeline to tweets from people you follow, you can easily swipe it to the Following tab.

Unfortunately, when you close Twitter and reopen it, you'll be redirected back to the For You tab. So you have to move it manually.

However, Twitter provided an update that allows you to set the timeline by default according to the last view before you closed Twitter.

So, if the last time your timeline was on the Following tab, then when you return to Twitter, you're still on that timeline.

Initially this capability was only rolled out to Twitter users via the web. Now, Twitter is rolling out the capability to Twitter users via Android and iOS.

So updates can be really fun for you to stay on your own preferred timeline.

The change to Twitter's interface coincides with the company's decision to cut third-party clients. The move caused apps like Tweetbot to shut down, leaving the official client the only way to access Twitter.

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