JAKARTA - Apple will implement new rules to protect the privacy of its users. One way is by providing a label on the application that will allow users to block advertisers from tracking them after being downloaded from the App Store.

Apple announced the terms of the label at a developer conference in June. They attempt to convey information quickly about several categories of data collection and are somewhat similar to nutrition labels on food products.

Apple began requiring developers to provide data privacy label information last week, as part of a review process for releasing or updating apps.

The data privacy label will be introduced as developers submit their application for approval by Apple, and users will see it before downloading or updating the application.

Quoted from Reuters, Tuesday, December 15, Apple will require disclosure of when applications collect data for anything that is considered "tracking" users across applications or unrelated websites.

The developer will be able to offer an explanation for the data collection, but the user will have to double-click a series of links to see an explanation.

The developer is also responsible for the accuracy of the information, but Apple says compliance is checked during the app review process, during random audits, and in response to user complaints.

The label is part of a broader set of changes that Apple launched this year to introduce more notification and permission requirements for data collection on its devices.

The new requirement for notification to users prior to the use of digital advertising identifiers sparked protests from a number of companies, including Facebook. Many digital advertisers say users will likely refuse their data to be collected because of the new rules.

The rules will take effect this year, but Apple said it will delay implementation until early 2021 to give developers more time to make changes to their applications.

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