JAKARTA - Currently, hackers are increasingly intelligent and innovative in making cyber attacks, and as a result of attacks will be more sophisticated both for individuals and companies.

Jadi, Dell Technologies selaku perusahaan yang memproduksi dan memasarkan perangkat komputer mengatakan bahwa perusahaan harus menyadari bahwa keamanan siber dimulai di edge, dan mempertimbangkan tiga tips dari Dell berikut untuk meningkatkan ketahanan siber:

Adopting Zero Trust mindset and architecture

Zero Trust is not a new term, but there are still many who are confused and misunderstood. Simply put, Zero Trust is based on the idea that no user or task can be trusted implicitly, all interactions must be verified before it is continued or implemented.

Adopting the Zero Trust architecture means introducing an authentication model in every step across the organization's network, IT infrastructure, and software (software).

In this way, even as a threatening actor manages to get past a security perimeter, an implemented Zero Trust architecture can handle any data leaks more quickly and prevent them from expanding further.

Protects devices, data, and systems wherever they are located

Safe devices are an important basis for companies to implement Zero Trust. By disseminating data on various devices in a hybrid work environment, the key is to protect personal and endpoint devices.

Companies wishing to modernize cybersecurity strategies can reconsider how to protect their data and systems wherever they are located on-premise, between clouds, or in edges.

But on every device, endpoint network, and system there is also the potential for system leakage. Therefore, cybersecurity must cover the entire ecosystem, from devices, servers, storage, networks, and services to securing the life cycle (lifecycle) of development and supply chain).

Creating a security culture

Although new hardware, firmware, and software can enhance the cyber security defense of an organization, the company must continue to pay close attention to its human factors.

Based on the results of Breakthrough research from Dell Technologies, 53 percent of companies in Indonesia stated that employees are the weakest link in their safety approach.

Building a holistic cybersecurity strategy must be initiated by creating a security culture and encouraging behavioral changes in an organization.

One way companies can increase employee awareness and accountability in dealing with cyber threats is to train them to understand that security is everyone's responsibility, not just the responsibility of the security team.

Then, provide team members with the right organizational knowledge and training, they are also empowered to make the right decisions and implement the best cybersecurity practices in their daily work. An easy example is reporting suspicious phishing emails in the inbox, this simple step can really help protect the company from cyberattacks.

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