JAKARTA - Still in commemoration of Angklung Day which falls on November 16, apart from Google, you can also participate in playing angklung.

Don't worry, if you haven't been able to play angklung directly, there are still music applications available in app stores like the Google Play Store that will give you the experience of playing angklung in real terms.

The following are some of the best-rated angklung music apps on the Play Store that VOI will recommend to you.

Real Angklung is an angklung music application available on the play store with a total of more than 50 thousand downloads. Real Angklung has a rating of 4.3.

How to use this application is quite easy, you can play offline angklung without any internet network. When you open this application, you will immediately see eight angklung.

Each angklung has a different tone, namely Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do. You just press one of the angklung to sound it. Pretty easy isn't it?

Even though it has only been downloaded a thousand times, Angklung Tuk-tuk has almost perfect ratings, which is 4.9. There are also more features in Angklung Tuk-tuk, when compared to Real Angklung.

Before starting playing, you will see some options in this application. The option is Material (containing angklung history), Playing (to start playing angklung), Assistance (to find out the rules for playing angklung music), and About (regarding applications).

To play it almost the same as Real Angklung, you are provided with eight angklung with a different tone. Then, just press the angklung to sound it.

iAngklung adalah sebuah aplikasi Angklung alat musik. Cara memainkannya cukup berbeda dari dua aplikasi sebelumnya yang hanya diperkan.

In iAngklung, you can feel playing angklung like playing angklung dj in the real world, namely by shaking your phone.

But, in addition to how to shake your phone, you can also play it by sliding or shifting to the right and to the left using your finger.

For your appearance, you will only see one angklung on your phone screen. So, if you want to change the tone, you have to open the settings in the top left corner, and select the number you want.

iAngklung provides the 0-30 number. Each number has a different tone. So, please try it.

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