JAKARTA - Russian President Vladimir Putin has reportedly granted citizenship to US National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden, who has lived in the country since 2013.

According to Reuters, Monday, September 26, Putin signed a decree that effectively changed Snowden's legal status in Russia from a permanent resident to a citizen. The NSA whistleblower has been in exile from the United States following the leak of thousands of classified documents to journalists. But he also continues to talk about issues including national security alongside cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

While Putin has taken legislative action in Russia that appears to limit the use of crypto – including banning the use of digital assets as payment in a July law – Snowden has spoken frequently about the benefits of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC).

The whistleblower, now a Russian citizen, revealed in 2019 that he used BTC to pay for the server on which he released NSA leak documents, and said in April he played a key role in creating the privacy token Zcash (ZEC).

“Snowden is not a traitor,” Putin said in a 2017 interview with film director Oliver Stone. “He did not betray the interests of his country, nor did he transfer any information to other countries that would harm his own people. He shouldn't have divulged NSA secrets. My view is that what he did was wrong."

Snowden could potentially face espionage-related charges from the US Department of Justice if he returns to the United States. It was unclear at the time of publication what prompted President Putin to grant citizenship to Snowden, but the US and Russia have faced turbulent diplomatic relations following Russia's invasion of Ukraine and subsequent economic sanctions imposed by the US and other countries.

In contrast to Putin, who has been widely criticized for taking a more autocratic role in leading Russia, Snowden has often spoken of the dangers of government overreach and the need for oversight.

"I don't care if you're in the United States, I don't care if you're in Germany, and I don't care if you're in Russia, I don't care if you're in China. It's a global trend where we see governments doing more," Snowden said during the DeData Salon fireside chat on September 23.

“They have greater capabilities because technology acts as a pre-existing power magnifier. This allows them to increase their leverage, right? They are leveraging their influence to try to act and compete not only within their own borders but globally and now we have levers that are starting to push against each other and that's causing sort of problems and conflicts around the world," Snowden added.

Snowden's reported Russian citizenship status does not necessarily prevent the complainant from returning to the United States. An incumbent US president has the constitutional authority to grant reprieves and pardons for "offenses" against the state, which would likely include charges of federal espionage.

However, despite calls from many civil liberties advocacy groups, the two previous presidential administrations have not condoned Snowden, and President Joe Biden did not advise against it during his tenure either.

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