The Tasks App Will Become Google Task Management Center
Google should look at Microsoft To Do. (photo: doc. google)

JAKARTA - Google is reportedly working on a major update for its Google Tasks, making it easier to add tasks and integrate with Google Assistant, Calendar and others.

The update will create Google Task as a platform for all user tasks across Google products. Users can add a Gmail thread to the task list, create a reminder in Calendar which will later appear on the user's schedule and on the Tasks.

For example, if the user says "Hey Google, remind me to throw garbage at 9" to Google Assistant on a cellphone or other gadget, then the reminder will appear on the Tasks.

Over the years Google's reminder and task systems have often been separated, and confused users. For example, Google's reminders are different from Google Tasks, and reminders in Calendar are different from reminders on Keep, as are the reminders on Google Assistant.

The only place to see all the tasks in one place is the Google Calendar mobile app.

Launching The Verge, Wednesday, September 21, Google will most likely have to look at Microsoft To Do. The app combines tasks in Outlook, Planner and Teams in one container, so users can get information about what they are doing.

Google Task launched in 2018, and with that change hopefully makes it better than the overall productivity of the Google ecosystem. Changes to Google Tasks will launch in the coming months.

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