YOGYAKARTA - If you are proud to be the owner of an electric vehicle, you know how many tremendous benefits you get from it. From spectacular fuel savings and fuel savings to feelings that you are contributing to industrial movements towards smarter and environmentally friendly technology, driving one of these cars is a great thing. That's why electric car batteries are expensive, but what's the reason?

You may notice that when it's time for you to invest in a new Electric Car battery, it could be an expensive investment. But why is the Electric Car battery so expensive?

Mahal Electric Car Battery for Production

The main reason electric car batteries are so expensive is because the materials used to make them expensive. Electric vehicles use lithium-ion batteries, similar to the ones you find on your laptop or cell phone, but they are obviously much larger so they can provide more energy for your car. Each cell has an electrode called cathode, which is the most expensive part of the battery. To pack more energy, cathodes require expensive materials such as cobalt, lithium, and manganese. So, the cost of producing high-electric car batteries, which means they sell even more expensive.

As expensive as an Electric Car battery, prices have dropped significantly over the years. And in the years to come, it's possible that the cost continues to fall. Manufacturers found a cheaper way to generate energy in Electric Car batteries, which would help them become cheaper. For example, nickel is used to replace cobalt as it is cheaper and stores more energy. Continuous innovations in industry can help lower the price of these batteries.

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The graph is used as an anode material in lithium-ion batteries. This has the highest volume of all battery raw materials and also represents a significant percentage of cell production costs.

China has played a dominant role in nearly its entire supply chain over the years and produced nearly 50% of the world's synthetic graphite and 70% of the fragments, which required pre-treatment before being used in batteries. Over the past few years, exploration enhancements have taken place, particularly in Africa.


Like nickel and manganese, cobalt is needed for battery cathodes. Currently presents the greatest risk of procurement of all battery raw materials. This is mainly due to dynamic demand growth forecasts and the potential supply barriers it causes.

"Based on the current scenario, cobalt demand for electric vehicles could increase to 315,000 tons by 2030, 20 times the current number," said Siyamend Al Barazi of Dera.


Since the lithium market is relatively small, the expected increase in demand is very high in relation to current production levels.

"Our calculations show that supply will need to triple in 2026 just to cover future demand," said Michael Schmidt of Dera. lithium extracts are currently limited in Australia, Chile, and Argentina and some companies, with only four businesses controlling nearly 60% of global production.

However, lithium explosions over the past few years have shown that the lithium market is facing major changes.


The battery app is only a small part of the manganese market. Manganese main customers are the steel industry, which uses about 90% of global supply. Currently only about 0.2% of the manganese extracted worldwide are used in lithium-ion batteries. Going forward, this figure will only increase to about 1%.


Global demand for nickel to produce lithium-ion batteries of more than 150,000 tonnes in 2019. This amount is less than 5% of the world's market volume for primary nickel. By 2025, demand from the electric vehicle sector could increase to about 500,000 tons per year, equivalent to 15% of the total global market.

To increase energy density of lithium-ion batteries, a much larger proportion of nickel is used in cells. This means that demand will increase disproportionately with increased battery production.

After learning why electric car batteries are expensive, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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