JAKARTA - The era of electrification is now a big trend in the global automotive industry. Many automotive manufacturers are slowly starting to switch to electric vehicles.

In a special discussion held by the GAIKINDO Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS) 2022, together with government representatives from the Ministry of Environment and the Director General of ILMATE, Taufiek Bawazier said that electrification is a major reference for the global industry, especially in terms of transportation equipment, automotive and environmental issues. .

In the initial discussion, it was stated that currently the majority of Indonesian people are still dominated by the use of vehicles with internal combustion engines or Internal Combustion Engines (ICE). Meanwhile, for vehicles with battery-based electrification systems, there is still not 0.1 percent.

According to Taufiek Bawazier, this condition is a big challenge for Indonesian automotive electrification, even more broadly at the global level. At the same time, this is certainly a great opportunity for national automotive component manufacturers. Considering that we are still too focused on ICE vehicle components.

"We need to look at the global market, in addition to facing the big challenge of how the national automotive industry changes to automotive electrification, it is also an opportunity for national automotive component manufacturers to start looking for components that they can produce for electric vehicles," said Taufik in a release. uploaded on the GIIAS website.

Furthermore, Taufik said, if we are still too busy with the production of ICE vehicle components, then this will make it difficult for Indonesia to face the phase out session.

"Other countries that have great commitments in terms of automotive electrification have declared that 2035 is the limit for ICE vehicles circulating in their countries. If we are not good at seeing this potential, then we will be left behind in the automotive industry, especially for electrification issues," he added. .

According to him, if automotive and component manufacturers do not start to move slowly and adapt to the latest technology in the global automotive industry, then this will become a big threat.

"Based on the Ministry of Industry's internal projections, the number of ICE vehicles circulating in 2030 is 25.8 million units and produces 92.2 million tons of CO2 emissions. No. 36 of 2021," he explained.

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