JAKARTA - Smartphones at low prices are clearly very tempting. It doesn't matter if it's used goods or reconditioned smartphones.
Gadget observer Lucky Sebastian said, if many buyers do not know that a reconditioned cellphone is the same as used goods that have been damaged. So that the quality is not as good as the new product.
"People are looking for these two types of goods because the main problem is cheaper prices. Reconditions are usually often wrapped in new casing, new screen and new boxes are then sold as new, have a significant difference in price with new official goods, because they are actually used goods but many people don't know, "said Lucky when contacted by VOI, Monday, November 16.
Even though there are refurbished smartphone products that are of course repaired officially. However, not many smartphone vendors sell reconditioned devices to the Indonesian market.
In addition, Lucky said, sales of reconditioned or refurbished smartphones entering Indonesia are classified as illegal and go through illegal channels. "Because it does not follow the TKDN rules and does not have an official postel or SDPPI permit."
Although he did not close his eyes, the sales of reconditioned cellphones in the market were still mushrooming. Lucky believes that the implementation of IMEI rules will be quite difficult for retailers or distributors of reconditioned cellphones.
"Because there has been the implementation of IMEI restrictions. It's a bit too expensive to pay taxes to register the IMEI, it can run on the local SIM network, although there may be loopholes," explained Lucky.
Lucky added, if big brands like Apple or Samsung have a plus point that attracts buyers. Although the purchased smartphone is a refurbished result.

"The most reconditioned cellphones are Apple (iPhone) because they have a lot of demand. They are considered luxury and good goods," said Lucky.
In addition, Lucky emphasized, if you are forced to buy a reconditioned or refurbished cellphone because the price is cheaper. Lucky suggested that buyers should choose used or second hand cell phones, which are more common on the market.
"It's better to buy a used cellphone, especially if it has never been repaired. Because most reconditioned cellphones are not original parts from the manufacturer, but parts made by third parties, such as batteries, screens, etc. So that the quality and safety are no longer standard," said Lucky.
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