JAKARTA - Online dating app Bumble has started releasing zodiac forecasts called "Astrology Tuesdays" on the app for Bumble users in the US.

Astrology Tuesdays Bumble will feature a Resident Astrologer named Aliza Kelly. In the announcement, quoted by VOI Saturday, July 16, Bumble users in the US will see the astrology channel in the conversation screen in Bumble's Date mode.

In this new feature, you'll start receiving weekly astrological content curated for your zodiac sign every Tuesday, from dating guides based on zodiac signs, to advice on how to deepen relationships.

Astrology Tuesdays is not the first time Bumble has created content about astrology. Earlier in 2019, the company launched "Zodiac Badges," which allow members of our community to include their zodiac sign directly on their profile.

Well, if you're involved with astrological content, you'll receive free access to Bumble's Zodiac Filter every Tuesday. This allows you to filter out people with zodiac signs that don't match yours.

Companies are already using astrology as an easy way for their users to connect with each other. Telling TechCrunch, the company's partnership with a fortune teller is Bumble's attempt to improve the dating and relationship experience.

According to the company's May 2022 data, the Zodiac Badge is proven to increase the average monthly match in the US. The data also reveals that Leo at Bumble is the luckiest in romance worldwide.

At this time, the company hasn't said whether this feature will be expanded to more countries or be a US-only feature. Let's look forward to future updates.

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