JAKARTA – In the Youtap press conference, Tuesday, June 21, supporting the Indonesian Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs to create modern, digitally stable MSMEs by presenting their latest evolution, Youtap POS.

Youtap is known as a digital platform provider company that has an all-in-one digital solution for businesses and MSMEs.

Herman Suharto, CEO of Youtap Indonesia said that the main key to realizing the transformation of MSMEs into MSMEs today requires an ecosystem-based approach through synergy and collaboration from all stakeholders. Both the government sector, policy makers, to the private sector.

Herman added that since it was first established in 2020, Youtap has always accompanied and supported MSMEs to become MSMEs that are digitally stable.

“We are both moving towards digital transformation. We hope that this technology can be utilized, and become a digital MSME that is stable," said Herman further via Zoom.

The Youtap POS update comes with more complete features so that it is easier for business actors of all levels to run their business, directly connected to each other from all types of HP and Tablet devices, and can capture more opportunities by selling online.

During the last two pandemics, from an economic point of view, Youtap found data that 68% of business actors experienced difficulties. Edwin Perdanaputra, Group Head of Region and MSME Business said, although the number is currently decreasing, there are still MSMEs who are struggling to get back to their business.

“From an economic perspective, 14% of business actors are still struggling to return to their business. While the other 52% have started to return little by little. The good news is that 36% of the business is actually better than before,” explained Edwin.

In addition, the awareness of business actors for the use of digital solutions has also begun to increase. Youtap survey data shows 7 out of 10 business actors consider the importance of accepting QRIS payments and using POS applications for business development.

From the results of the latest independent research, Youtap has also succeeded in achieving the number one position as a QRIS digital payment service provider through POS which is of interest to business actors. Even digital payments carried out by Youtap have also won an award from Info Brand as a Top Innovation Choice Award.

The development of MSMEs can now be reviewed through the growth in the flexibility of various types of MSME businesses to their ability to adapt quickly to the development of existing digitalization.

Through Youtap POS, Youtap also supports the growth of MSMEs so that they are more stable in digital transformation through digital solutions that almost all of the features are free and easy to obtain.

"With the Youtap POS service, we answer the on-the-go needs of business players, from market traders to cafes, to have complete digital cashiers directly from their cellphones," continued Herman.

Previously, this technology could only be used via tablets, Youtap took the initiative to present it on mobile phones with more down-to-earth usage, so that the functions of accepting cash and non-cash payments, displaying product catalogs and arranging delivery and take away menus could be accessed by micro and small businesses. nano though.

"The presence of this latest technology is expected to give birth to more modern MSMEs who are ready to adapt quickly to the development of existing digitalization." he added.

Youtap POS, which is now available, is more complete and can be used through all types of devices. The use of cellphones is quite attractive to business actors with a micro-small business scale, which is 45%. This is different from medium-scale merchants such as cafes and restaurants who prefer POS in tablet form, which is 55%.

Now the features have been integrated, not only the cashier feature to the supply chain through Stock Shopping, but also store courier settings. This feature can help business actors to manage shipments in terms of delivery area coverage and prices, as well as operating hours.

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