JAKARTA – The development of the use of electric cars in Indonesia is starting to be addressed by various parties. One of them is PT Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut (SIER). The company based in Rungkut Surabaya has agreed to develop and build a (General Electric Vehicle Charging Station) as a form of support for electric-based vehicles.

"SPKLU is one of the necessary infrastructures in this energy landscape," said PT SIER Operations Director, Didik Prasetiyono, contacted by Antara from Surabaya, Friday morning, June 3.

The agreement was stated in the signing of a memorandum of understanding of cooperation by the Marketing and Development Director of PT SIER, Silvester Budi Agung, with the Deputy Director of PT Optima Integra Tehnika, Amir Bachrun, on the sidelines of the 2022 Indonesian Industrial Estate Association (HKI) Coordination Meeting, Thursday, 2 June in Surabaya.

According to Didik Prasetiyono, technological change towards battery-based vehicles is unavoidable, especially since the government has issued a regulation related to electric charging infrastructure for Battery-Based Electric Motorized Vehicles (KBLBB) which provides convenience for SPKLU investment.

"Increasing adoption of the use of electric vehicles in East Java is also one of PT SIER's considerations in providing SPKLU facilities," said Didonk, his nickname.

“Almost all countries in Europe and America have shifted to battery powered vehicles. In the future, electric vehicles can be economical if the infrastructure supports it," he added.

In addition, in developing as a green, modern and integrated area, both SIER and PIER (Pasuruan Industrial Estate Rembang) are focusing on developing eco industrial park infrastructure.

He explained that there were several renewable energy commitments that had been made, such as integrated waste water treatment, recycling of effluent water into industrial water, development of roof solar panels and construction of SPKLU.

For the construction of solar panels, said Didonk, SIER Energy seeks to provide and use new and renewable energy (EBT) in line with the country's commitments contained in the G-20 agreement on the General Plan for the Provision of Electricity (RUPTL) 2021-2030.

"The portion of NRE power generation is projected to reach 51.6 percent or higher than fossil generators," said the alumnus of the Faculty of Business Economics, Universitas Airlangga (FEB Unair).

Currently, according to him, SIER Energy is implementing the initial solar panel roofing in three locations, namely at SIER, WWTP SIER, and WWTP PIER with a capacity of up to 430 kWp.

"We invite tenants to join in the implementation of EBT solar panels. if together the management and costs will be more economical," he said.

On the other hand, the President Director of PT SIER Fattah Hidayat hopes that the 2022 HKI Coordination Meeting will be able to produce a better formulation of the arrangement of industrial estates in the future.

"Ketum HKI Pak Sanny has visited SIER. He is proud to see SIER developing industrial areas with green energy, one of which is solar roof panels in the context of renewable energy efficiency," he said.

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