No Need To Bother, Here's How To Upload TikTok Content Using The Available Templates
How to use TikTok templates (photo: Unsplash)

JAKARTA - Currently TikTok is a social media that is being loved by many people. On TikTok, you can upload short videos of your own creation.

For those of you who are new to the world of TikTok, making videos on TikTok is not as easy as you might think. But you can consider using TikTok Templates. Templates can be useful for beginners like you.

How TikTok Templates Work

TikTok templates allow you to create TikTok videos using templates on the platform.

When you use a template, TikTok is like a framework, you just have to put your own videos or photos as you want.

The number of images you can add depends on the template itself. This template serves to make it easier for new creators, or also for those of you who are stuck for ideas.

How to Make TikTok Videos Using Templates

Creating TikTok videos using templates is easy. Here's how:

Open the TikTok app on your phone. Tap Post at the bottom of the screen. Now tap on Templates in the lower right corner, and swipe left to browse the available templates. On top of each template, it will include the number of photos you need to upload. When you find a template you like, tap Choose photo. Now select the photo you want to use from your phone gallery, and tap OK. TikTok will show a preview of your video in the editor. You can edit your video. When you're done, tap Next In the Post window, add a caption, hashtag, and tag your friends or other TikTok accounts. You can also preview your video, choose a cover for it, and add text to the cover. When you're done, tap Save to return to the editor, then tap Post.

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