JAKARTA - SpaceX has reportedly had to pay a flight attendant $250.000 to ensure the woman doesn't speak up or sue the company after Elon Musk was suspected of indecent acts. The CEO of Space X allegedly exposed himself and proposed to the flight attendant for sex. This report first appeared from Business Insider.

According to one of the flight attendant's friends, the victim allegedly worked as a crew member on a private flight company SpaceX. During one of the flights, the flight attendant told his friend Musk asked him to get a full body massage in his room.

Reportedly, this is unusual, and SpaceX has asked flight attendants to obtain a masseuse license. During the massage, Musk allegedly removed the cloth covering his lower body, revealing his erect penis. While rubbing his feet, he reportedly offered to buy the officer a horse if he wanted to “do more.”

The allegations were made to Insider by one of the flight attendants' friends, who was asked by the flight attendant's attorney to sign a declaration supporting the claim in 2018.

The friend told Insider that the flight attendant refused to perform any sexual acts on Musk. He even stated that he was "really pissed off" after the flight. The friend also said SpaceX reduced the number of shifts it was given after the incident, which officers saw as a sign of retaliation.

According to Insider, the officer filed a complaint with SpaceX's HR department in 2018. They say his career at the company has suffered because of the rejection. SpaceX reportedly took the complaint to a mediator, not a court or arbitrator, and signed a $250.000 severance agreement prohibiting him from saying bad things about Musk or his companies, including SpaceX and Tesla. This includes talking about the payment itself.

An insider at SpaceX said the source did not consult the flight attendants prior to telling the story, and said the alleged victim declined to comment. But this officer's friend did not sign a confidentiality agreement.

When reached for comment, Musk reportedly said there was "more" to the story, and said it was a "politically motivated hit piece."

The language is reminiscent of a tweet from Musk on Wednesday, May 18, in which he informed his followers that "political attacks on me will increase dramatically in the coming months." He also warned that he would fall victim to a "dirty trick campaign."

According to an editor at Insider, Elon's tweet was posted shortly after the outlet left the comment, which made it appear as if he was trying to get out of the story by making people not believe the next thing he was accused of. The outlet said it requested more time to further respond, but never responded again after Insider extended the deadline.

Musk told Insider: "If I was inclined to engage in sexual harassment, this couldn't have been the first time in my 30-year career that this has come to light."

Employees at SpaceX and Tesla have previously said that both companies led by Musk have a culture of sexual harassment. A worker at SpaceX said the company took no meaningful action after they reported being groped by a coworker.

Even Tesla is facing multiple lawsuits over its HR department for failing to protect workers who were “objected, threatened, touched, and brought to factory floors.” One worker said that Musk's tweets, which sometimes contain sexual innuendo, help set an example of how employees behave. While SpaceX itself did not reply to The Verge's request for comment.

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