Disney+ Launches Subscription Plans With Ads Soon, But...
Disney+ plans to offer subscription plans with ads. (photo: doc. Disney+)

JAKARTA - Disney+ plans to launch an ad-supported subscription package at a lower price, but unlike other services, Disney+ is careful in displaying its ads.

The company says it won't bombard its users with tons of non-family-friendly ads, limiting ad volume to an average of four minutes per hour with the cheaper plan.

Interestingly, content aimed at preschoolers will not include any ads, and Disney+ will never target ads at individual children.

In addition, Disney+ will not accept ads containing alcohol or political ads. What's more, the Disney+ service will also not accept advertising from rival entertainment outlets or studios, in a bid to prevent competitors from luring in their subscribers amid a fierce round of Hollywood streaming wars.

Even so, it is not known for sure how much this ad-supported subscription costs. However, Disney mentioned during its most recent earnings call that it will likely increase the price of the ad-free version (currently $8 per month) once the more affordable plans arrive.

This restriction on ad serving shouldn't come as a surprise, as Disney+ is largely based on family-friendly content, and the heavy advertising load could be seen as exploiting the high ratio of child viewers. YouTube for example.

Google's video service has often come under fire from politicians and other critics for allowing targeted advertising aimed at children, not to mention exploitative videos.

However, YouTube has responded by limiting ad targeting and demonstrating low-quality videos that are overly commercial or promote bad behavior. Restricted advertising can prevent regulatory crackdowns and reassure nervous companies about where their ads appear.

Unlike Disney+, it can't afford to take the risk of alienating customers. The more people sign up for an ad-supported subscription plan, the sooner Disney+ can benefit.

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