JAKARTA - WhatsApp group calls can now reach 32 contacts. Previously, it could only accommodate a maximum of eight participants in one simultaneous call.

WhatsApp Communities reports, this facility can already be enjoyed by most Android users. But for iOS, it is not certain when it will be available.

WhatsApp has also updated how call participants will be displayed on the screen to match the increasing number of members.

In fact, each user will have their own bubble that is highlighted as they speak and displays a waveform. This feature is now available for iOS with the new version update 22.8.80 and has a size of 109.7MB.

However, the WhatsApp group calling facility of up to 32 contacts is not available for desktop.

This new feature was first owned by Telegram. The rival communication application WhatsApp was first able to add multiple contacts to one group call.

Apart from the new features of WhatsApp, the company has recently announced that they will be releasing some new features. Such as the Community tab, emoji reactions, improved voicemail bubble design, and informational scores for groups and contacts.

Another improvement that helps users to access their favorite media in the gallery has been released in Brazil and will be coming soon in other regions.

The company is also testing a paid feature that lets users add multiple devices to a single account.

Currently, Whatsapp does not allow users to pair more than one smartphone to one account, but users can pair their account with a tablet, computer or laptop. Thus quoted from PocketLint, Saturday, April 23.

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