JAKARTA – Speculation regarding the existence of intelligent life other than humans in the universe seems to disturb scientists. Attempts to prove that humans are not alone in the universe have prompted scientists to increase their search for signs of life on other planets.

The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) organization group through the SETI Institute is collaborating with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) on an initiative called the Commensal Open-Source Multimode Interferometer Cluster Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence (COSMIC SETI), to improve alien search. within 24 hours 7 days, as reported by Sputnik News.

For additional information, SETI is the name of a group organized for the detection of extraterrestrial life. A number of businesses belonging to “SETI” are organized and funded by the United States government. A common approach taken by the SETI project is to survey space to detect the presence of interstellar communications from a civilization.

COSMIC is equipped with fiber optic amplifiers and splitters on all Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) antennas, enabling COSMIC to gain access to the data stream of the entire VLA network.

More than 20 radio antennas will allow COSMIC to search for signs of intelligent life in the universe around the clock, embarking on a mission to examine about 40 million stars in the Milky Way in two years, SETI agency said in its announcement.

"We will be able to monitor millions of stars with a sensitivity high enough to detect Arecibo-like transmitters up to a distance of 25 parsecs (81 light-years), covering the frequency range of observations from 230 MHz to 50 GHz, covering many parts of the spectrum that have not been explored for ETI signals,” added Cherry Ng, one of the scientists in the SETI Institute's COSMIC Project.

The system will be able to operate at full power from early 2023, with the project currently on its most ambitious track. The SETI observation program is carried out in the Northern Hemisphere.

On the other hand, physicist Stephen Hawking has warned humans to be more careful in looking for intelligent life on other planets. According to him, even if intelligent creatures exist, they will not necessarily be friendly to humans.

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