JAKARTA - Twitter, which is being talked about a lot because its shares were bought by billionaire Elon Musk, is now rumored to have acquired Dublin-based app enhancement platform OpenBack.

The goal of the OpenBack acquisition is to give Twitter more capacity to customize and personalize its app notifications for each user.

On top of that, Twitter can also use teams to pull in timely information even when users are away from the app.

“The best notifications get people into the conversations they care about on Twitter. But irrelevant notifications are a distraction. With millions of people visiting Twitter via notifications every day, we want them to be timely, relevant and engaging," Twitter's head of consumer products, Jay Sullivan, said on his official Twitter.

"OpenBack and their talented team joining Twitter will help us improve our ability to send the right notifications at the right time, in a way that puts people's privacy first."

Citing Social Media Today, Wednesday, April 13, the OpenBack system uses various on-device signals and machine learning processes to determine the best time to send notifications to each user.

The application on each user's device will control, update, and track sending notifications and in-app messages at the right time.

That's important because it essentially reduces reliance on the iOS and Android systems to send notifications, which could reduce the impact of ATT updates on Apple's privacy-preserving.

As per Twitter's latest performance update, the platform isn't as affected by Apple's ATT changes as other apps are.

With this, if Twitter can highlight the best tweet content, at the right time, and get more people involved in real-time discussions on the app, that could be a big step in increasing usage, and users will make Twitter an even more important utility.

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