JAKARTA - Unlike Apple, this year Meta decided to take a day off at a developer conference dubbed F8.

"Similar to previous years, we are taking a short break in programming and will not hold F8 in 2022 while we prepare new initiatives that are all geared up for the next chapter of the internet, and the next chapter of our company as well," said Meta representative Diego Diego. Duarte Moreira.

Moreira added, the new initiative includes building a metaverse. Similar to the early stages of the web, building the metaverse will be a collaborative effort at every stage with other companies, content creators, and developers.

Instead, Moreira said Meta will host the company's inaugural business messaging event, dubbed Conversation, on May 19.

"We're excited to connect with you at our other developer events throughout the year, including our inaugural business messaging event, Conversation, on May 19," said Moreira.

Additionally, the company plans to have another Connect event later this year focused on offering VR, AR, and metaverse platforms.

You know, on Connect last October 2021, Facebook announced a rebranding to Meta, so it looks like the company will have some big news to share at the event later.

"We also look forward to connecting with you on Connect later this year, where we'll share the latest on our VR, AR and metaverse platform offerings," said Moreira.

Please note, not only Meta has developer events like this. As for Google I/O which will take place on May 11 and 12, while Apple has just announced that WWDC 2022 will be held from June 6 to 10. Both will be completely held virtually.

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