JAKARTA - Generally, to meet internet needs, people need internet credit or quota. So where does the internet quota we use go to?

The answer is nowhere. The quota itself is the amount of data content that can be used within a certain period of time.

While internet quota is the amount of usage limits from internet usage obtained from ISPs or internet service providers. For example, a 2GB internet quota for one month, meaning that users can only access, download or upload data to the internet with a 2GB quota.

illustration of the quota amount that can be used

Of course the use of the internet for streaming, playing games or social media will vary depending on the amount of quota you have. But it's a different story if you access the internet excessively with a limited quota.

Because after passing the number of usage, users will no longer be able to access the internet. Even if it is still possible, telecommunication providers will reduce the amount of data that can be accessed or commonly known as the FUP (Fair Usage Policy) quota.

Then how does internet quota allow us to surf the internet? Basically, all tools or devices connected to the BTS (internet tower) can use the internet.

By adding a few settings in the Access Point (the device that connects the smartphone to the tower), we can determine which devices are given a quota or "quota" before the internet is disconnected from the connection.

For example, the Telkomsel ISP provides a data package size that can be used by the public by purchasing an internet quota, either as the main quota or as an additional quota at certain hours.

Quota or speed access, of course, depends on the purchase price for the internet package offered by the telecommunications provider. So that the providers will divide into several classes.

With the assumption that the amount of internet quota will differ the price of the data package that users will receive. The goal is to limit the bandwidth burden for customers to enjoy internet access.

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