JAKARTA – The rapid development of the metaverse continues to be followed by the digital community in the country. This was revealed when PDIP Party politician, Budiman Sudjatmiko, explained his vision of developing the Indonesian version of the metaverse, namely the archipelago metaverse.

He launched this idea at the 5th SMSI Anniversary celebration event at the Jayakarta Hotel, Central Jakarta, Monday, March 7.

"So far, the world has only been dominated by two metaverses. Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk. With the archipelago metaverse, it is hoped that they can compete with the two giants," explained the PDIP politician.

Budiman Sujatmiko, who is also the initiator of Algorithm Hill, admitted that all infrastructure related to the archipelago's metaverse comes from the country. "This includes experts from Indonesia," said Budiman.

Metaverse is a virtual space that utilizes virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies that allow everyone to gather and interact.

Metaverse became the talk after the boss of one of the world's largest social media, Mark Zuckerberg changed the name Facebook Inc., to Meta Platform Inc, by pouring tens of billions of dollars in funds to develop the metaverse on the platform.

Budiman explained the concept of the metaverse of the archipelago and attended the 5th SMSI (Indonesian Cyber Media Union) celebration in his capacity as Chair of the SMSI Advisory Council.

SMSI is the largest cyber media organization in Indonesia or even worldwide with more than 1.700 media members.

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