JAKARTA - Along with the development of Twitter, this application is reportedly currently building a special podcast tab on its mobile application. The news is known from the upload of the developer, Jane Manchun.

The screenshot shows an image with a microphone symbol at the bottom of the Twitter menu, and leads to a page titled "Podcasts."

According to reverse engineers who searched mobile app code to find features in development, this addition will create a dedicated space on Twitter to host podcasts.

According to TechCrunch, they asked Twitter if users could expect this feature to roll out. A spokesperson said, "We're always looking for new ways to help people engage in conversation on Twitter, but don't have any further details to share at this time."

In addition, a mobile developer, Alessandro Paluzzi also gave a leak about the podcast tab on the Twitter application. "Twitter is working on Podcasts," he wrote on his Twitter account @alez193a.

Twitter has been working on a number of features such as podcasts to extend the capabilities of its live audio Space.

Like Clubhouse, Twitter now allows users to listen to Spaces after a live recording, and helps hosts get to a larger audience.

Space was first introduced by Twitter in 2020. Space can now be recorded by any host or host Android and iOS users. Recordings can also be played back to the public for 30 days.

The podcast tab may serve as a home for users to browse the recorded space and generate more engagement in this content.

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