JAKARTA - The departure of the actor who played Black Panther, Chadwick Boseman, a few days ago has shocked netizens around the world. His outgoing figure has inspired many people and fans.

Especially after his struggle against stage three colon cancer, which he has suffered since 2016. Even without revealing his illness, Boseman always plays his acting and film until it's finished while undergoing treatment.

The story was shared by means of an obituary uploaded on Chadwick's Twitter account. Quoted from Engadget, the tweet has become one of the most liked Tweets by netizens of all time.

"Tweet most liked. A tribute befitting the king. #WakandaForever," wrote Twitter commenting on the post. To date, netizens have liked the tweet 7.4 million times with 2.2 million of them re-uploading the post.

The tweet announcing Boseman's departure was posted on Friday, August 28 at 7:11 p.m. Western American time. In the obituary, it shows a photo of Boseman smiling broadly and accompanied by an official statement from his family announcing that the actor of King T'Challa has died.

Boseman breathed his last at the age of 43. Prior to his death, he was accompanied by his beloved wife and close family at his private residence in Los Angeles, USA.

For information, throughout his struggle against cancer with a number of surgeries and chemotherapy, he is known to remain active in a number of films, such as Marshall to Da 5 Bloods, then Ma Rainey's Black Bottom, and a number of other films.

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