JAKARTA - The decrease in energy during the day can reveal many things, maybe it's a sign that the brain needs a break. However, this decrease in energy can also be influenced by the food and drinks consumed.
According to Katie Janeczek, RDN, skipping meals or snacks, because they are busy or don't have time to prepare something to eat, it can be one of the main reasons you feel tired all day.
Your body needs glucose from carbohydrates to produce energy, as well as protein and fiber to deal with hunger. Feeling too hungry can cause a decrease in energy.
Nutritionist Maya Feller, RD recommends eating when the body signals hunger. Try not to skip meals for more than five hours. And when it's time to eat, be careful of food that can drain energy.
While there's nothing wrong with enjoying sweet foods occasionally, you should pay attention to your consumption time and ensure that your energy levels remain stable.
Berikut makanan dan minuman dan makanan yang membuat seseorang mudah lelah, seperti dilansir VOI dari laman Real Simple pada Jumat, 15 November 2024.
Soda, sweet tea, lemon water, sweet water, and energy drinks all contain high sugar which can drain energy levels in a short time. One can of soda contains about 10 tablespoons of sugar. Meanwhile, one can of energy drinks contains about 9 to 12 tablespoons of sugar.
Although the label often says there is no additional sugar, in fact packaged juice does not have fiber. Each 240 ml juice cup contains between five and nine teaspoons of sugar.
Cookies, crackers, white bread, and pizza are examples of foods made of white flour, which are processed carbohydrates. Although delicious, this food does not provide a stable energy. Instead, it has a negative impact on energy levels.
Chips and fried snacks are ultra-processed processed carbohydrates. In addition, this food can also contain saturated fats, hydrated oils, or trans fats, which can affect blood cholesterol levels.
Chocolate and candy are sweet snacks that fall into the category of ultra-processed foods. These foods are not the best choice if you want to prevent a jump in blood sugar. However, don't let that stop you from enjoying sweet snacks for once in a while.
Cakes, biscuits and donuts are made of white flour and are generally given a lot of sugar. Even so, this doesn't mean you have to completely avoid this food.
Instead, enjoy this sweet food at the right time and balance it with other nutritious foods so that it does not have a drastic impact on the energy level.
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