YOGYAKARTA - The social media platform Twitter developed a new feature called Advanced Search. With this feature, users can find old tweets that you've uploaded more easily.

Even users can find out what tweets you made on Twitter, within a certain time. You can find that out using the Advanced Search feature.

Not only can your tweets be seen using Advanced Search, users can also see trends on Twitter for the time period you want to know using this feature.

As is known, Twitter is a popular social media in recent years. Many netizens use the platform to express their opinions.

In fact, lately many legal cases have finally been responded to by the authorities after they went viral on Twitter. This shows that Twitter has a considerable influence in society.

However, there are times when a user misses a few moments that went viral on Twitter, or you want to revisit a tweet you've made in the past.

If you want to know this, users can use the Advanced Search feature. Apart from knowing the things mentioned above, you can also see the number of likes, and the number of times a tweet has been retweeted by other Twitter users.

How to use Advanced Search is also very easy, if you are still confused about what to do, below the VOI team has compiled the steps that you can do.

How to Use the Advanced Search Feature

The Advanced Search feature on Twitter can make it easier for users to find a tweet. To use it you can log into your Twitter account via a browser engine.

Next, click the search field at the bottom of your Twitter homepage. Users will enter the trending page that is currently popular on Twitter.

After that, users can click the three-dot icon in the upper right corner, then select the Advanced Search menu that appears. In the next section, enter the keywords you want to find.

Scroll down to filter the search results to your liking. Users can ask Twitter to display search results based on date, trending, or other parameters you want to use.

After that, click the Search button next to the search field that you have filled in with the keywords you want to find. This way, users will get search results with the parameters you want.

That was the way you can do to find tweets on Twitter within a certain time using the Advanced Search feature. With this feature you can filter your search results by the parameters you specify.

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