JAKARTA - Twitter Inc said on Friday, December 3 that its chief engineer, Michael Montano, and head of design, Dantley Davis, will step down from their posts at the end of this month, as part of a broader management restructuring of the social networking site.

The move comes just days after Twitter Inc co-founder Jack Dorsey stepped down as chief executive officer and handed control of the company to Chief Technology Officer, Parag Agrawal.

As reported by Reuters, Twitter said Agrawal, in his new role, had decided to reorganize the leadership structure at the company and move to a general manager model for consumer, revenue and core technology that would oversee all core teams across engineering, product management, design, and research.

Product lead Kayvon Beykpour, revenue product lead Bruce Falck and VP of Engineering, Nick Caldwell, will now lead three units each, the company said.

Twitter added that Lindsey Iannucci, a senior operations and strategy executive at the company, would become chief of staff.

The restructuring at Twitter Inc is quite surprising, considering Agrawal, who has been in power as supreme leader for less than a month. Luckily, this change in management didn't make Twitter's stock fluctuate. The public seems quite confident with the steps taken by the new CEO.

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