JAKARTA - Microsoft has been making Windows 10 and Windows 11 operating systems for a long time running on ARM chips. But the company is reluctant to sell Windows with an ARM license to anyone including Apple.

ARM versions of Windows could actually run on a Raspberry Pi or on an Apple Silicon Mac, but Microsoft has absolutely no intention of doing that. Not long ago, XDA Developers managed to get to the cause.

In the XDA Developers report, that's because Microsoft has an exclusivity deal with Qualcomm, and this is why Microsoft doesn't make ARM versions of Windows generally available.

According to a source close to the exclusivity deal, Qualcomm is holding back other chip vendors from competing. However, the deal is also said to be ending soon although it is not known exactly when that will happen.

Reporting from Ars Technica, Wednesday, November 24, this allegation comes a few weeks after the CEO of chipmaker ARM MediaTek, Rick Tsai said he definitely intends to run Windows on his chips. Qualcomm, MediaTek, Rockchip, and others all ship ARM chips for Chromebooks, in addition to the chips they all provide for Android devices.

The deal has been in the air since 2016, when Microsoft announced the availability of Windows on ARM in partnership with Qualcomm, and since the first modern Windows ARM systems shipped back in late 2017, they have been exclusively supported by Qualcomm.

These include the Microsoft SQ1 and SQ2 Surface Pro X, which are Microsoft-branded but developed in partnership with Qualcomm. The exclusivity deal can be mutually beneficial at first, Qualcomm gets all the design wins for Windows on ARM systems for a few years, and Microsoft gets another chance to build an ecosystem for an ARM version of Windows after a few glitches started.

However, over time, it can also limit the variety of Windows-on-ARM systems or hold back performance due to lack of competition. If Microsoft allowed Windows to run on other ARM processors, it could open the door to virtual versions of Windows on Apple's Silicon Mac.

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