JAKARTA - The new Instagram Add Yours feature has suddenly become a hot topic on social media, not because of its uniqueness, but because it is a place for personal data theft.

The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) through its official Instagram @kemenkominfo reminded Internet users to be more careful, especially the dangers of the Add Yours feature because of the potential for cyber crimes with social engineering mode.

In addition, @kemenkominfo also mentioned that this feature was used by unscrupulous individuals as a "path of data theft through story updates," in which the victims were certainly not aware and shared their personal data voluntarily.

"You know, friend, the information that is requested and shared by us if it is collected can become a collection of personal data. The personal data that we share in cyberspace has the opportunity to be misused by irresponsible parties," said @kemenkominfo quoted by VOI, Wednesday, November 24.

To prevent this from happening, @kemenkominfo also shares tips on how to avoid social engineering modes.

First, don't be easily tempted by trending things, think carefully before you follow a trend, because your personal data could be misused.

Second, do not share or provide your personal data to anyone claiming to be from a certain party. Third, if you are called by a suspicious person, immediately close and block the number. Lastly, keep your personal data well.

Furthermore, @kemenkominfo also provides several examples related to personal data that can be misused in the Add Yours feature. This includes your name, childhood name, mother's name, personal address, information on personal property (driver's license, passport, vehicle number plate), identity number, biometric data (fingerprints, retinal scans, etc.), and technology asset information in the form of IP Addresses.

On its official website, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics also explains that personal data itself is divided into two types. First, personal data of a general nature, such as full name, gender, nationality, religion, and/or personal data combined to identify a person.

Second, specific personal data, including health data and information, biometric data, genetic data, sexual life/orientation, political views, criminal records, child data, personal financial data, and/or other data in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

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