JAKARTA - The general chairman of the Central Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI), Marciano Norman, praised the location for paragliding PON XX Papua because in addition to fulfilling its capacity as an arena for athletes' matches, the place was also considered successful in showing the stunning visual charm of Jayapura.

"I was on the hill where paragliding took off, this place is very, very strategic from this peak, we can see the beauty of Jayapura," said Marciano Norman, quoted by Antara from the official KONI Gerakita website, Thursday.

The location of the competition for paragliding is located in Bukit Gracia, Buton Village, Jayapura City. The location selection has gone through a long process.

After the first location, namely Teletubbies Hill, which was not used because it was too close to the aircraft landing area, the location was then moved to McArtur which also failed to be used for the same reason and was even too close to the 75,000kva aerial power line.

Had moved to the Waena Campground, the location was again failed to be used because it was deemed not to meet the requirements to hold a paragliding competition.

Finally, the last choice fell on Gracia Hill which was judged to meet the required standards.

"The take off place has a good tilt angle, between 18 to 23 degrees, the tendency of head wind (against the wind) so it is good for take off so that it has lift, there are no obstacles in front, access to the take off location is good," explained Djoko Bisowarno, the Technical Delegate for Paragliding.

By choosing Bukit Garcia as the location for the Paragliding competition for PON XX Papua, Marciano also assessed that the athletes would not only get the best facilities, but also enjoy the exotic nature of Jayapura.

"Athletes who come from 33 provinces, especially paragliding, besides trying to achieve their best, they can also see how beautiful Papua is," said Marciano.

Paragliding competitions will be held at Bukit Gracia starting today, September 30, until October 12, 2021.

A total of 64 athletes consisting of 18 women and 46 men will compete in 12 events.

They came from nine provinces, including DKI Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Central Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, West Sumatra and Papua.

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