JAKARTA - The Indonesian Basketball League competition will be continued on 4 September. A number of preparations have been made to restart the country's basketball club competition.

When it is continued later, the IBL competition format will immediately enter the play-off phase. The plan, the competition will be continued in only one city.

The decision in one city was taken due to safety factors as well as efficiency in financing, "said IBL President Director, Junas Miradiarsyah, some time ago.

Currently there are two choices, namely Jakarta or Yogyakarta. If in Jakarta, operational costs can be reduced because most IBL clubs are based in Jakarta. However, currently the Capital City has not entered into a safe zone even though it has relaxed Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB).

Meanwhile in Yogyakarta, a number of points have been included in the yellow zone list, which means that the spread of COVID-19 is not too severe. There is also a green zone status. However, until now there has been no decision from the IBL operator.

Pelita Jaya Bakrie's Technical Director, Fictor Roring, admits that it doesn't matter where the IBL will continue. According to him, the most important thing is that all aspects must be considered.

"Yogyakarta or Jakarta, we don't care what is important is safe," said the man who is familiarly called Ito on the IBL's official website.

Meanwhile, Amartha HangTuah prefers to choose Jakarta. The cost factor is the reason. The club manager, Ferry Juffry, said the costs for trips out of town were quite high.

"Moreover, the majority of the IBL team is based in Jakarta," he said.

Prawira Bandung player, Diftha Pratama, actually thinks that holding an IBL in Yogyakarta would make more sense. Based on his observations from television news, the COVID-19 case in Yogyakarta is not as bad as in Jakarta.

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