JAKARTA - The Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Zainudin Amali has been asked by President Joko Widodo to review the title of League 1 and League 2 in the 2021 season.

According to the Menpora, President Jokowi has been continuously monitoring the development of football in Indonesia. Including considering the re-rolling of competition during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

"The president directly monitors, there is a message from him that the competition should be held, but with strict health protocols," said Menpora Amali.

Menpora Amali said President Jokowi appreciated the 2021 Menpora Cup because football fans and supporters obeyed the appeal not to crowd to the stadium and not watch together.

Therefore, President Jokowi also asked Menpora Amali to ask League 1 and League 2 to be well prepared. This includes examining the possibility of having a limited audience at the stadium.

"He (President Jokowi) gave me directions earlier for League 1 and League 2 to be well prepared. President Jokowi has received many aspirations from the public so that League 1 and League 2 will begin to apply a limited audience. The president has opened up the opportunity. He has told me to study so studying is not allowed, "he concluded.

President Jokowi himself has received many aspirations related to League 1 and League 2 to start again because many people depend their lives on this competition, starting from players, coaches, club officials, referees, and support staff. They have been badly affected during the one year since the competition was stopped due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

In addition, League 1 and League 2 competitions will revive the economy of the community, especially MSMEs and industries engaged in football.

The efforts of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to revive the sport of football in Indonesia after a year of stoppage due to the COVID-19 pandemic received appreciation from football lovers.

This can be seen from the social media timelines, especially Twitter, which enlivened the hashtag #PresidenBolaMenggeli trending topic on Twitter on Wednesday, April 28, morning with tens of thousands of tweets. "Thank you Mr. President Jokowi for making the ball competition stretch again #PresidenBolaMenggeliat," tweeted the @BarakudaTempur account.

One example of the ongoing competition that has been running is the success of the 2021 Menpora Cup pre-season activities. Citizens think the 2021 Menpora Cup can pave the way for League I and League 2 competitions.

Another netizen with the @bob_Marwah account gave his appreciation to President Jokowi, Menpora, Police, and PSSI for successfully holding the Menpora Cup and reviving football in the midst of the pandemic.

"Bismillah, Insha Allah, the success of the Menpora Cup is a ticket to the Indonesian League, thanks to Menpora, Police, PSSI, Mr. President and all those involved in the success of the Menpora Cup, we national football lovers are very excited to welcome the #PresidenBolaMenggeliat league," wrote @bob_Marwah.

In addition, other netizens assess the success of the Menpora Cup because it implements strict and disciplined health protocols. The proof, this activity was successful amid the increasing number of COVID-19 cases.

"It's really amazing that in the midst of the high number of cases of COVID 19, the Menpora Cup event was held successfully with zero cases of topnotch #PresidenBolaMenggeliat," said @ miyakk9.

The same thing was also conveyed by the @ sukmaja72 account, he considered that the Jokowi and PSSI governments were serious about reviving football in the country after being affected by the pandemic.

"Finally, the Menpora Cup is proof of the government's seriousness in reviving football in the midst of the #PresidenBolaMenggeliat pandemic," he said.

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