JAKARTA Two Indonesian representatives will play on the first day of the Swiss Open 2025 which will take place at St. Jakobshalle, Basel, starting Tuesday, March 18, 2025, evening WIB.
The first day of the Super 300 BWF level tournament will compete in the qualifying round and the top 32. The qualification will start at 16.00 WIB, while the round of 32 begins at 23.00 WIB.
The two representatives who will play today are the women's doubles Febriana Dwi Puji Kusuma/Amallia Cahaya Pratiwi and the men's doubles Muhammad Shohibul Fikri/Daniel Marthin.
Febriana/Amallia, who are the third seed, will play against representatives of France, Agathe Cuevas/Kathell Desmots-Chacun. They clashed in the eighth party of Field 4.
The Fikri/Daniel pair will play against the pair from China, Chen Bo Yang/Xie Hao Nan. The fight between the two pairs will occur in the tenth party of Field 2.
Indonesia has only sent six representatives to the event in total. This number shrank because the women's doubles pair Apriyani Rahayu/Siti Fadia Silva Ramadhanti was withdrawn.
The withdrawal was because Apri was judged not to be in the best form after playing two tournaments with Fadia after returning together.
Fadia continued to play at the 2025 Swiss Open, but he fell in the mixed doubles sector. He was the number paired with fellow PB Djarum athlete, Dejan Ferdinansyah.
The other three representatives at the Swiss Open are Leo Rolly Carnando/Bagas Maulana, Sabar Karyaman Gutama/Mohammad Reza Pahlevi Isfahani, and Putri Kusuma Wardani.
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