JAKARTA - Thom Haye, Justin Hubner, Sandy Walsh and Rafael Struick started a group of Indonesian national team players who left for Australia. The trip is a continuation of the 2026 World Cup Qualification.

The Garuda squad will face Australia on the 7th matchday of Round 3 in Sydney on March 20. For this agenda, there are 30 players called Patrick Kluivert as the new coach, but Egy Maulana Vikri was forced not to leave due to injury.

Of the most of the names called, the majority are those with European league careers. There was Thom Haye who strengthened the Dutch League team, Almere City and Justin Hubner played in England for the Wolverhampton U-21 club.

There was also Sandy Walsh who played in J.League with Yokohama F. Marinos, and Rafael Struick in Brisbane Rour, Australia's main league. Haye, Hubner, Sandy, and Struick became the first batch players to head to Sydney.

Haye departed from the Netherlands on Saturday, March 15 after undergoing his last match with his club Almere City. The midfielder played a full 90-minute game despite the game was completed with a 1-1 draw.

Meanwhile, Hubner is known to have departed from England after playing the last match, Friday, March 14 for Wolves U-21. Hubner played 90 minutes and helped his team beat Reading U-21 1-0.

Meanwhile, Sandy Wals departed from Japan after last playing for his club in the AFC Champions League (ACL) Elite on March 11. He played full for 90 minutes, made 30 measurable passes and one assist that led Yokohama Marinos to win, 4-1 over Shanghai Port.

Meanwhile, Struick last played on March 8 when Brisbane Roar was held to a 1-1 draw by Adelaide United. The first four wave players are known to have arrived in Sydney on Sunday, March 16.

Meanwhile, players who play in Europe will go directly to Sydney Australia after they complete their obligations to defend their respective clubs. Some departed on Sunday (March 16) or Monday (March 17)," wrote PSSI's official statement.

Likewise with Indonesian national team players who play domestically or League 1 2024/2025. They will immediately go to Sydney on Sunday (March 16) night. There are no exercises in Jakarta, all will gather in Australia," continued the statement.

Arriving in Sydney, Patrick Kluivert, the staff and players who have gathered will immediately undergo their first training. Sofie Imam, an assistant local physical trainer who was elected to the Indonesian national team coach, will also immediately undergo his first assignment.

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