JAKARTA - Athlete of Kurash Indonesia, Muhamad Salim won a silver medal in World Veterans Kubrash Championship III. Salim came out as the second winner after defeating the host Mongolia in the semifinals.

Although they managed to beat the host's representatives, in the final which was held in Ulaanabaatar, Mongolia, Salim still had to admit the superiority of defending champions from Uzbekistan.

Salim admitted that in the final his condition was not optimal because he suffered an injury after defeating the Mongolian representative as the host. In addition, extreme cold weather is quite influential in his condition.

"In the previous round, my hands were injured, so in the final I couldn't play optimally, I was only able to survive," said Muhamad Salim in a release received on Sunday, December 8.

"The weather during the match was quite cold around -19 degrees, so my body was not hot enough and I was not used to extreme weather. God willing, if there is another opportunity I will make up for this defeat with better achievements," he continued.

Muhamad Salim became the sole athlete sent by the Executive Board of the Kurrash Indonesia Federation (PB FERKUSHI) to be able to compete in this International Kush Association activity.

The agenda, which Salim participated in, became a preparation event for the 2nd KUSEA event which will be held in Indonesia. In addition, participation in the agenda is also an evaluation material for athletes who may be able to be proposed for the implementation of the upcoming 2026 Asian Games.

Subhan Prasandra as coach of the Kurash Indonesia Team expressed his optimism for the development of the sport and the achievements of Kush in Indonesia.

Moreover, Indonesia also has athletes with world achievements such as Savira Diah Fitri Rizkianti (president of bronze medals for the 2022 and 2023 world championships), Najmu Khasani Shifa (president of the 2018 Asian Games bronze medal), and many others have contributed medals at the Sea Games event. According to him, this could be the capital of PB FERKUSHI's achievements.

"We have conceptualized and proposed an intensive training program back in Uzbekistan in 2025, currently we are in the selection stage for athletes with a successful target in the implementation of 2nd KUSEA which God willing will be held in NTB, around July August," he said.

"Indeed, it is acknowledged that sponsorship support is a challenge for all sports. However, we must be optimistic that we will be able to provide the best for Indonesia," continued Subhan.

Regarding sponsorship, Subhan explained that currently it is very limited. Even for funding needs to Mongolia, he was forced to find his own way and spend his personal money.

Untung masih ada beberapa dukungan dari beberapa sponsor yang percaya dengan kemampuan atlet Indonesia. Semoga dengan hasil ini dan tabung hasil prestasi, sponsor besar bisa tertarik untuk mendukungan atlet Kurash Indonesia, ungkas Subhan.

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