JAKARTA Indonesia has seven representatives who will play at the Korea Masters 2024 this week. Men's singles are also the only sector that does not have representatives in the tournament.
The Super 300 BWF level event will take place from Tuesday, November 5, 2024, to Sunday, November 10, 2024, at Iksan Gymnasium, South Korea.
Women's singles, women's doubles, and men's doubles each have two representatives. Meanwhile, one other Indonesian representative came from the mixed doubles number.
On the first day, three representatives are scheduled to appear. They are Sabar Karyaman Gutama/Moh Reza Pahlevi Isfahani, Muhammad Shohibul Badminton/Daniel Marthin, and Jesita Putri Miantoro/Febi Setianingrum.
Sabar/Reza, who are the third seed in this event, will compete in Field 3 against the Chinese men's doubles pair Taipei, Chen Zhi Ray/Lin Yu Chieh.
Then Fikri/Bagas who became the fifth seed will play in the last match of Field 2 against the men's doubles from Malaysia, Kang Khai Xing/Aaron Tai.
Meanwhile, Jesita/Febi played in Field 4 against the pair from China Taipei, Hu Ling Fang/Jheng Yu Chieh.
On the second day, it was the turn of the next three Indonesian representatives to appear. They are Febriana Dwi Puji Kusuma/Amalia Cahaya Pratiwi, Komang Ayu Cahya Dewi, and Putri Kusuma Wardani.
The three of them met Chinese representatives Taipei. Ana/Tiwi will face Hsieh Pei Shan/Hung En-Tzu, Komang meet Liang Ting Yu, and Putri KW in conflict with Huang Yu-Hsun.
Meanwhile, Dejan Ferdinansyah/Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja became the only Indonesian representatives who did not play the round of 32. This pair got an empty draw so they went straight to the round of 16.
Indonesian Representatives At The Korea Masters 2024
Women's Singles
Komang Ayu Cahya Dewi
Putri Kusuma Wardani
Men's Doubles
Sabar Karyaman Gutama/Moh Reza Pahlevi Isfahani
Muhammad Shohibul Badminton / Daniel Marthin
Women's Doubles
Jesita Putri Miantoro/Febi Setianingrum
Febriana Dwi Puji Kusuma/Amallia Cahaya Pratiwi
Mixed Doubles
Dejan Ferdinansyah/Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja
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