JAKARTA The shooting sport (Sports) will compete for a total of 120 medals consisting of 40 gold medals, 40 silver medals, and 40 bronze medals at the 2024 Aceh-Sumut National Sports Week (PON).

In this four-year event, the shooting sport took place at the Rindam IM Mata Ie Shooting Field, Aceh Besar, starting Tuesday, September 10, 2024.

The head of the Technical Delegate Shooting Sport, Henry Indrayani Oka, revealed that as many as 33 provinces will participate in this match with a total of 316 athletes.

"The assessment system used is automatic electronics. So, every time an athlete shoots, the value immediately appears on the monitor," he said in a statement received.

Henry also added that the facilities in the shooting arena were very adequate and there would be no obstacles that would be faced by all athletes.

"The field and equipment are ready to be used. We hope athletes can show their best performance and break national records," he said again.

PON 2024 has officially opened by President Joko Widodo on Monday, September 9, 2024, WIB night. The opening ceremony took place so lively featuring a number of spectacular shows.

PON XXI 2024 will be the first to be held in two provinces at once. This year PON will overhaul 65 sports, 87 disciplines, and 1,042 match numbers.

This biggest national sporting event also marks the debut of four New Autonomous Regions (DOB). The regions in question are Southwest Papua, Mountains Papua, Central Papua, and South Papua, as well as a contingent from the capital city of the archipelago (IKN).

A total of approximately 13 thousand athletes from various regions competed in the biggest sporting event in Indonesia which lasted until September 20, 2024.

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