JAKARTA - Ramadan Sananta successfully listed its name as the Top Score of the 2024 President's Cup. This is a good capital for the Persis Solo striker to be summoned to the Indonesian national team.

Even though he realized that he had a slick provision, Sananta was reluctant to be happy. He admitted that he still had to continue to work hard to prove that he deserved to be summoned to the Indonesian national team.

Nearby, the Garuda Squad will undergo the Third Round of the 2026 World Cup Qualification match in the Asian Zone starting September 2024.

"Yes, I have to work hard again because this is indeed a good step for me. I as a young player work harder at Indonesian clubs and national teams," said Ramadhan Sananta, quoted Monday, August 5, 2024.

"I am the best preparation. If called, I must give the best," he said.

Previously, it was known that Sananta was entitled to status as the Top Score of the 2024 President's Cup thanks to her slick performance. The player was recorded as scoring three goals throughout the pre-season tournament.

Sananta's record is the same as the acquisition of Charles Lokolingoy and Leo Gaucho. Sananta is then considered more entitled to a top score title according to the organizing committee on the grounds that they have less playing minutes.

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