Jakarta - General Chairperson of the Central Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), Hendry Ch Bangun, gave his appreciation to the Sports Journalists Section (Siwo) of the Central PWI and Siwo South Kalimantan who had prepared the XIV/2024 National Journalists Sports Week (Porwanas) in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, on August 19-26, 2024.

"Brother Agus as Chair of Siwo PWI Pusat and the Daily Management have reported preparations for the 2024 Banjarmasin Porwanas. Everything is going according to plan, it is estimated that more than 2,000 participants will attend."

"I as the General Chair of the Central PWI really appreciate the hard work of all parties. This is the big work of PWI, Siwo, and the South Kalimantan Provincial Government. Let's make it a success together," said Hendry on the sidelines of the Fun Walk in the context of the 63rd IKWI Anniversary at the Jakarta Press Council Building, Sunday, July 28, 2024.

Porwanas is the highest gathering event and shows the achievements of sports journalists from 38 Siwo PWI Province and one Siwo PWI Surakarta.

Apart from Siwo Province, Porwanas was also attended by the Indonesian Journalists Family Association (IKWI) throughout Indonesia. The event, which took place for three years, previously took place in Malang City, East Java.

Porwanas XIV Banjarmasin competed in a total of 14 sports, namely athletics, badminton, balogo, billiards, bridges, chess, e-sports, dominoes, futsal, court tennis, table tennis, journalistic work, and two IKWI sports, karaoke and table tennis.

The chairman of Siwo PWI Pusat, Agus Susanto, explained that all 39 Siwo throughout Indonesia stated that they participated and had submitted the competition number to be followed up to the include entry by name in mid-July 2024. The verification team has also received participant data.

"As of the third week of July 2024, the verification and validity team has received 31 entry by name from 39 Siwo throughout Indonesia," said Agus.

"Siwo, the provinces that are still in the process of registering the names of players are North Kalimantan, North Maluku, East Nusa Tenggara, Papua, Papua Mountains, South Papua, West Sulawesi, and Southwest Papua," said Agus.

The opening of Porwanas XIV/2024 is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at the Uncle Birin Sports Building (GOR) for the South Kalimantan Provincial Government Office complex, Banjarbaru City.

Earlier on Friday, July 26, 2024, the ranks of the South Kalimantan PWI management compactly accompanied the Regional Secretary of South Kalimantan Province, Roy Rizali Anwar, submitting an invitation letter for the opening of Porwanas to the elected Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia for the period 2024-2029, Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

In addition to submitting the invitation, Roy also conveyed greetings to the Governor of South Kalimantan, H. Sahbirin Noor (who is familiarly called Uncle Birin) who was warmly welcomed by Gibran.

"We accept the invitation and greetings to the Governor of South Kalimantan," said Gibran while receiving an invitation on the sidelines of welcoming the Mayor of Surakarta, at Balekambang Park, Solo City.

In addition to the invitation, Roy also handed over the mascot of Porwanas, Kijang Mas, to Gibran.

"This is the Porwanas Mask in the form of Kijang Mas, whose existence is already rare," said Roy.

Appearing to accompany the Regional Secretary, Chairman of PWI South Kalimantan, Zainal Helmie, Head of Sports Cultivation of the South Kalimantan Dispora, Budiono, Chairman of SIWO PWI South Kalimantan, Irwansyah, Chairman of the South Kalimantan PWI DK, Fitrie Anshorullah.

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