JAKARTA - Pencak Silat is a favorite martial art not only at home, but also abroad. The proof is that hundreds of Kenyan student athletes participated in the 2024 Pencak Silat Ambassador's Cup tournament which was held at Woodcreek School, Kiambu County, Kenya, Saturday, June 22 yesterday.
The Indonesian Ambassador to Kenya Mohamad Hery Saripudin, in a written statement from the Indonesian Embassy in Nairobi received in Jakarta, Sunday, explained that the activity was part of a series of celebrations of the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Kenya.
"This activity not only fosters the Indonesian-Kenya cultural exchange, but also as a cultural bridge in increasing mutual understanding and relations between people and people in the two countries," said Hery as quoted by ANTARA.
During this activity, the Indonesian Ambassador also inaugurated the opening of the Pencak Silat Padepokan in six schools in Kenya.
"Pencak silat is more than just martial arts, but also discipline to improve physical fitness, mental resilience, and cultural appreciation. Pencak silat provides constructive energy, teaches respect, instills solidarity, and teamwork," he said.
The activity is a collaboration between the Indonesian Embassy in Nairobi with the National Federation of Pencak Silat Kenya (NFPSK), and the Indonesian instant noodle production company in Kenya.
A total of 248 participants from various Kenyan schools participated in the prestigious event.
The tournament competed in several categories, ranging from children to adults, sons, daughters, demonstrations of moves, and sparring (one-on-one), and was attended by at least 500 people, including participants and families and relatives who encouraged them.
The activity was also attended by the Chancellor of Umma University, Kenya, a lecturer at the Technical University of Mombasa who brought a delegation of participants, as well as school principals whose students participated in the competition.
The Director of Asia and the Pacific Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Kenyan Diaspora, who was present as an honorary guest, welcomed the initiative to carry out the activity, which he said would strengthen relations between Indonesia and Kenya, according to a statement from the Indonesian Embassy in Nairobi.
Cleopas Chalica as chairman of the NFPSK invited the participants to uphold sportsmanship, togetherness, friendship, and friendship in the tournament, according to the Indonesian Embassy in Nairobi.
The Indonesian Embassy in Nairobi said it took advantage of this momentum by providing support for the advancement of pencak silat, both in Kenya and in its three countries, namely Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Somalia.
Support, according to the Indonesian Embassy's statement, was given in the form of giving silat uniforms, protective clothes and silat properties, as well as organizing tournaments and various other activities to promote pencak silat to the international community.
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