JAKARTA The location of the match for the 2024 Four Proliga Final is officially moved.

The location of the Final Four Round I match which was supposed to take place at GOR Jayabaya was transferred to the DBL Arena Surabaya. Meanwhile, for Final Four round II, which was originally held at GOR Sritex Solo, it was transferred to Jatidiri Sports Center, Semarang.

Deputy Director of Proliga, Total Nelwan, after attending a meeting with the leadership of the Central Board of the Indonesian Volleyball Association (PP PBVSI) said that the changes to the place were made because the two scheduled GORs could not be used.

"For GOR Jayabaya, there is renovation, while GOR Sritex has the time to coincide with the implementation of the event for the owner of the GOR," said Regi in a statement sent by PBVSI.

However, the changes did not affect the scheduled match time. The implementation in Surabaya will continue 4-7 July 2024 or the same as the previous schedule in Kediri.

The same thing applies to a new place that takes place in Semarang. The match there remains the same as in Solo, namely on 11-14 July 2024.

"Like it or not, we have to move places because the place we want cannot be used," said Regi.

The first round of Proliga 2024 has played its second week. The third week will take place at the headquarters of Palembang Bank SumselBabel, Palembang Sport and Convention Center (PSCC) Building, on May 9-12, 2024.

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