Jakarta - The Badminton World Federation (BWF) has imposed severe and lifetime sanctions on eight Indonesian badminton players due to a match-fixing case.

This BWF sanction is a follow-up to the allegations submitted to the relevant players in 2021.

"The names of the players below are not allowed to compete in any (of the) events," the BWF statement said on their official website.

The athletes who were sanctioned were Hendra Tandjaya (men's doubles, mixed doubles), Ivandi Danang (men's doubles, mixed doubles), Androw Yunanto (men's singles and doubles), Sekartaji Putri (women's singles, mixed doubles), Mia Mawarti ( women's singles and doubles), Fadilla Afni (mixed doubles), Aditiya Dwiantoro (men's doubles), and Agriprina Prima Rahmanto Putra (men's singles, men's doubles, and mixes).

The three names who were sentenced could not move in badminton for life were Hendra Tandjaya, Ivandi Danang, and Androw Yunanto.

Meanwhile, sanctions for the other five names weigh differently. Sekartaji Putri is prohibited from participating in activities in the world of bulu until January 18, 2032 and a fine of 12 thousand US dollars.

Mia Mawarti and Fadilla Afni were given a sanction of not being able to participate in any badminton activity until January 18, 2030. They were also fined 10 thousand US dollars.

Aditiya Dwiantoro was banned from participating in the badminton world until 2027 and a fine of seven thousand US dollars. Then, Agripinna Prima Rahmanto Putra was sentenced not to participate in badminton activities until January 18, 2026 and a fine worth three thousand US dollars.

In addition to eight Indonesian athletes, there are also two Malaysian badminton players, one Brunei Darussalam badminton player, and one Indian badminton player who was sanctioned by BWF because of the same problems or accusations.

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