JAKARTA - Manchester City midfielder Kevin De Bruyne was injured again and was dropped from the Belgian national team who will try out against Ireland and England. He was also absent against Newcastle United in the FA Cup quarter-finals, Sunday, March 17, 2024 in the morning WIB.

De Bruyne was forced to pull over again. It's just that this time he was injured by a groin injury. The injury was not serious, but De Bruyne still had to rest for several weeks.

It is not known for sure when the 32-year-old midfielder was injured. De Bruyne was still played when Man City drew 1-1 against Liverpool in English Premier League d Anfield.

But he was then pulled out in the 69th minute. De Bruyne looked frustrated and had an argument with manager Pep Guardiola when he was replaced by another player. Only then did De Bruyne be pulled out not because of injury issues.

De Bruyne was only found to have suffered a groin injury when Belgium coach Domenico Tedesco dropped him.

"We received bad news. Kevin De Bruyne missed the training camp due to a groin injury. But most importantly he can recover soon and return to play," said Tedesco.

"We hope he will fully recover when he appears at Euro 2024. That is our target with Kevin," he said.

Tedesco, further, said it was too risky to call De Bruyne. According to him, if De Bruyne can't undergo training and then compete, then he can get injured again.

"I don't know if it has anything to do with the hamstring injury he has ever experienced. What is clear, he has had problems at the base of his thigh and has been felt since several previous matches," Tedesco said again.

"We are not only responsible to players but also the team. If we call players, it means he must be able to train and play," he said.

"If the players are not ready or the risk of injury is very high again, we will certainly be responsible for protecting the players," he said.

De Bruyne had a hamstring injury that required her to undergo surgery. As a result, he was absent for five months.

Without De Bruyne, it is clear that it will be a blow to Man City who will face Newcastle.

Moreover, The Cityzens lost goalkeeper Ederson who suffered a thigh injury. As a result of his injury, the Brazilian national team goalkeeper was absent for four weeks.

De Bruyne is expected to recover when Man City faces Arsenal in a crucial duel that determines the chances of winning the league, March 31, 2024.

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