JAKARTA – A total of 13 Indonesian representatives are confirmed to have qualified for the round of 16 of the Indonesia Masters 2024 after the first round was completed on Wednesday, January 24 2024, evening of Indonesian Western Time (WIB).
A total of five sectors still have surviving representatives. The men's doubles sector has the largest number with four representatives.
Then, women's singles and doubles each have three, mixed doubles have two representatives, and men's singles has one badminton player remaining.
One ticket for the top 16 in women's singles belongs to Putri Kusuma Wardani. This badminton player, who also works as a policewoman, will meet the representative of Japan, Natsuki Nidaira.
Then, Indonesia is certain to have a ticket to the quarter-finals in the women's singles event. The thing is, Gregoria Mariska Tunjung will meet her compatriot Ester Nurumi Tri Wardoyo in the last 16.
Shifting to the men's singles, Indonesia's hopes rest on Anthony Sinisuka Ginting's shoulders after last year's two finalists, Jonatan Christie and Chico Aura Dwi Wardoyo, took their suitcases early.
The men's doubles sector, which sent four representatives, successfully passed the first round. They are Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto, Leo Rolly Carnando/Daniel Marthin, Bagas Maulana/Muhammad Shohibul Fikri, and Sabar Karyaman Gutama/Moh Reza Pahlevi Isfahani.
This result makes men's doubles and women's singles the sectors whose representatives have not been eliminated at all from this BWF Super 500 level event.
Next, from women's doubles there are Jesita Putri Miantoro/Febi Setianingrum, Meilysa Trias Puspitasari/Rachel Allessya Rose, and Lanny Tria Mayasari/Ribka Sugiarto.
Finally, the mixed doubles still have Rehan Naufal Kusharjanto/Lisa Ayu Kusumawati and Rinov Rivaldy/Pitha Haningtyas Mentari.
List of 13 Indonesian Representatives in the Round of 16 of the Indonesia Masters 2024
Men's Singles
Anthony Sinisuka Ginting
Women's Singles
Gregoria Mariska Tunjung
Ester Nurumi Tri Wardoyo
Princess Kusuma Wardani
Men's Doubles
Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto
Leo Rolly Carnando/Daniel Marthin
Bagas Maulana/Muhammad Shohibul Fikri
Sabar Karyaman Gutama/Moh Reza Pahlevi Isfahani
Women's Doubles
Jesita Putri Miantoro/Febi Setianingrum
Meilysa Trias Puspitasari/Rachel Allessya Rose
Lanny Tria Mayasari/Ribka Sugiarto
Mixed Doubles
Rehan Naufal Kusharjanto/Lisa Ayu Kusumawati
Rinov Rivaldy/Pitha Haningtyas Mentari
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