JAKARTA - The Kawasaki and Suzuki factory teams have officially left MotoGP. Racer Casey Stoner feels the competition on the circuit is starting to weaken while hoping that the two giant manufacturers who left will return to'speed'.
Stoner has never fully supported the development of aero and downforces that are bringing MotoGP to speeds higher than ever.
However, Stoner feels that the current race tends to be controlled by one name, Ducati. From that situation, Stoner, who has also won twice with Ducati and Honda, believes that there is a need for diverse competition.
"We continue to think you can't stop this development," Stoner said while speaking to TNT Sports.
In fact, Stoner said manufacturers don't need things like changes to technical regulations on the streets so they can regulate what can be done. The parties only need a set of rules that basically apply for 10 years.
'Produsen masuk, tahu apa yang bisa menetapkan untuk anggaran, realistis. Bawa kembali Suzuki, Kawasaki, pabrikan lain,'
"They know the regulations are the same for 10 years, they won't be constantly behind eight balls," he said "now we don't have a budget for this", he said.
There are many things that everyone thinks are moving forward. But they need to slow down. There hasn't been a single race this year for every rider to sit in his seat, "said Stoner.
Stoner feels MotoGP is constantly trying to emulate Formula 1, just with more electronic devices. As part of an effort to emulate F1, the sprint race has been a huge addition to the sport this season and Stoner says it shouldn't be done.
"We don't need to imitate Formula 1. We created a race because the width of our bike is one and a half feet and you can put eight motorbikes into one corner. You can't do that in F1,"
We shouldn't try to imitate them with sprint races. Let it be what it is. You'll have the same driver on their seat every week," Stoner said.
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