JAKARTA PLN guarantees that the smooth supply of electricity at the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) during the 2023 U-17 World Cup tournament will be held.
The U-17 World Cup starts on November 10 and ends December 2, 2023. During the event, PLN Jakarta Raya's Main Distribution Unit (UID) will become an electricity supplier at the stadium.
General Manager of PLN UID Jakarta Raya Lasiran said PLN has prepared personnel and equipment to support the reliability of electricity supply.
"PLN is ready to be at the forefront to support the success of the FIFA World Cup 2023 U-17 which will take place at JIS later," explained Lasiran in a written statement.
Lasiran together with the Executive Vice President of Operations Distribution Jamali (EVP ODJ) PT PLN (Persero) have just conducted an electrical readiness inspection at JIS.
During the inspection, they checked the distribution substation, JIS installation panel, and the electricity supply into the stadium. Later, JIS will be supplied with four-layer electricity security.
"PLN also continues to coordinate with JIS to ensure electricity needs during the event can be fully supplied from PLN," explained Lasiran.
During the tournament, PLN UID Jakarta Raya will prepare 276 personnel. In addition, other preparations are vital tools so as not to disturb the smooth running of electricity supply.
The vital equipment in question is 7 units of Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) with a total power of 2,500 kVA, 4 units of Mobile Substations (UG) with a total power of 3,400 kVA, 1 unit of the Voltage Internal Work Team (PDKB), 1 unit of crane car, and 5 units of engineering service cars (yantek) and 30 motorbikes on standby.
Not only JIS, PLN has also prepared electricity readiness for four other locations that are training ground for athletes.
The locations in question are the Bung Karno Intermediate Stadium (GBK), ABC GBK Field, Soemantri Brodjonegoro Sports Center, and also Banteng Field.
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