YOGYAKARTA - Sports activities that use the ball as the main equipment are indeed loved by residents. Currently, a new type of exercise appears with a football base called fullball. Fullball itself is a variant of sports, a new ball and this is raised by Indonesian children.

Rizky Arief Dwi Prakoso as one of the fullball inventors described the beginning of this sport. He started advancing fullball from the end of last year and it didn't take long for the public to know and get a positive reaction.

"So this fullball is a sport that we developed ourselves, this was officially only launched about a month ago in February. But we have been developing since November last year," said Rizky when met by Simamaung at Babakan Jeruk Arena, Bandung.

"Initially it was only from friends, but when they said it was exciting, we were getting more and more serious about the regulations, we made the ball and the equipment. Finally it became a sport that we developed here, an authentic sport from Indonesia," he added.

There is a reason why this exercise is called fullball. That's because the totality of the game is a combination of futsal, basketball and volleyball. Which are all football-based sports so that full-ball names are sparked.

"So the reason why it's called fullball is also because from the start we friends in Jakarta really like sports whose base is football because we think it's really fun, be it basketball, football and volleyball too. So we try to combine elements of various sports based on football. So we make one name, namely fullball, we combine all the balls we have," said Rizky.

Fullball itself is a point-based and competitive team play sport. Broadly speaking, the provisions that apply are played as many as 10 players, with a composition of 5 against 5. One of the five players is in the position of a hustler who is of the same use as a goalkeeper.

There are 3 procedures to get points in the fussball. The beginning is 'hit' when the team throws the ball at the opponent's target. The second way is a goal, is when the ball enters the goal with a kicked method from outside the hand zone area. Make a hit and a goal together is calculated by 2 points. Then the way when it is fullball points, is when the ball is kicked from outside the hand zone and hits the target. Make this method rewarded with 3 points.

What is the comparison of fullball with other sports is the full equipment of the target and the ball. For him, this equipment is not yet available on the market because it is still producing its own. The most important thing is the ball because it is specially designed.

"So this ball is a ball that we design specifically for, it's for a base like volleyball, but we use synthetic skin layers so that reflection, embezzlement and weight are right and ideal for use in this fullball. Equipment for that is just us producing, so there is no (on the market) yet,"

He did not expect the interest interest interest to be so large and spread rapidly. Because currently the community is also in 5 cities, namely Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, Cilegon and Malang. "There are already more than 200 people who are playing this sport. For sports that are only one month old, we didn't expect it to be adapted at this time," he said.

Rizky hopes that in the future fullball can continue to develop, especially in the country. Because this is a sport that is raised in Indonesia. Not only that he must also have hope that fullball can be known abroad.

"We just got an offer for an exhibition in another country, on May 15. We have an exhibition in Taiwan as the first country outside Indonesia to play fullball. So we hope that sports will develop in Indonesia and develop abroad," he said.

So after learning about Fullball's sport, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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